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2023 Special Smiles - Olympia

Jul 29th, 2023 - Apr 20th, 2023

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Join us at our Special Smiles Screening in Olympia, WA! 

Healthy Athletes® is designed to help Special Olympics athletes improve their health and fitness, leading to enhanced sports experience and improved well-being. Special Olympics created its Healthy Athletes program in 1997 to identify and address the health disparities that people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) often experience.

The program provides Special Olympics athletes with free health screenings, education, and referrals for follow-up care in a fun, welcoming environment that removes the barriers people with IDD often encounter during a visit to a doctor, dentist, or other healthcare professionals.

The Healthy Athletes program is dedicated to changing the way health systems interact with people with intellectual disabilities. Healthy Athletes is not only a program for other athletes but, through training and hands-on experience at screenings, it is a program for healthcare students and professionals to increase their knowledge of best practices in caring for people with IDD.


Date & Time: 

  • Saturday, July 29th, (9:00am - 3:00pm) 


  • LBA Park
    3333 Morse-Merryman Rd SE,
    Olympia, WA 98501

Physician equivalent, student, and general volunteers are needed to offer FREE Healthy Athlete screenings in three disciplines and support Performance Stations: 

  • Special Smiles provides comprehensive oral health care information, including free dental screenings and instruction on correct brushing and flossing techniques to participating Special Olympics Athletes. This also includes issuing preventative supplies like toothpaste and toothbrushes and fluoride varnish.  (learn more

Volunteer Types: 

Physician Equivalent Volunteer – A licensed clinician in a relevant field to the discipline hosted. Physician Equivalent Volunteers support various screening stations, often requiring clinical experience (ex: bone density), while also providing learning opportunities to the students present. Physician Equivalent Volunteers are required to complete volunteer training modules prior to the screening and a brief training led by the Clinical Director, day of.  

Student Volunteer – A student (often graduate level), currently enrolled in a degree program relevant to the discipline hosted. Student volunteers will support various screening areas depending on their clinical experience. Student volunteers are required to complete volunteer training modules prior to the screening and a brief training led by the Clinical Director, day of. Students provide a unique and valuable role in Healthy Athletes. Students who volunteer with Healthy Athletes are learning how to provide inclusive healthcare early in their careers. These students will eventually be able to educate their colleagues and help to build a more inclusive health system. 

General Volunteer – Will often support with set up, check-in station, incentive station, and tear down. No credentials necessary. 

Volunteer Training:

All volunteers are required to take the Healthcare Professional Training.  

  • Follow instructions to take the 30-minute – General Health Volunteer module 

  • Some disciplines may require additional training ahead of the screening